Posts Tagged ‘100 pushups’

Reward, reduce, re-read.

So today was day 8 of Juneathon and I felt like I needed some encouragement. Yesterday I started a training plan to work up to 5k. Small beans for most other folk doing Juneathon but big for me. As I am trying to integrate Juneathon and exercise in general into my lifestyle I felt like an appropriate reward was some new running tights. Initially I went looking for some that were somewhere in between my winter-weight-nicely-compressing ones and my lightweight-cheap-at-Aldi-not-supportive-at-all-ones. Winter ones are too warm now and the Aldi ones are…well…well they show my lumpy bits off a little too realistically for my liking. As I am not too comfortable with the world knowing that I am growing an extra buttock under each normal buttock, I was delighted when I found these:

Rather hideously called Skapri, they are actually really comfortable and looks far better on that it looks in the picture. For a start my leg to arse ratio is different (more of both) so the skirt is more fitted. Hmmm maybe it’s just that my thighs fill it more. Ach, enough self absorption. So, for those of us who, like me, would not be seen dead outside of a park wearing “leggings” they are a nice compromise. Now I can run places and do my chores and run back.

I’m sure that I’ll get perfectly used to wearing running gear in the supermarket but right now, it’s just embarassing. It’s bad enough being nuclear reactor red in the face from the exertion without also looking like a badly packed sausage.

I also found some of these for a too-cheap-to-walk-passed price (but of course in black!Who wears white socks? People who don’t do their own washing or have too much time on their hands, that’s who!):


The purchase of the new togs was preceded by a lovely lunch with a old work colleague so it really felt like a treat myself nicely day.

I have been thinking today about rewards. I rewarded myself today by buying myself some new togs and having a lunch out. At the end of Juneathon I’m having a really good quality full body massage to thank my legs for carrying me through. I may also reward myself at the half way point too but have no idea what with yet – suggestions more than welcome.

This got me thinking about why I am doing Juneathon. I want to get fitter and feel better in my body. Strength and increased activity should equal decreased pain levels and more endolphins swimming around my systems – so there’s the primary reward…but my motivation slipped in week one so I clearly need further rewards and incentives to keep going. At first this made me sad, that the primary reward was not enough but I saw several other layers to this:

  • I ‘need’ to get fitter – the ‘want‘ sometimes slips under the sofa
  • I am essentially very lazy
  • No-one else in my house is an exercise bunny so it’s a shame for me I’m learning to be self-motivating and do things on my own for me.
  • Rewards are good – why the hell shouldn’t I be earning more rewards? I reward my family and OH but rarely myself.
I was also surprised at the community that exists in Juneathon and the motivation and inspiration that comes with it – not only from directly asking for some  but also from the desire to fulfill the challenge. I won’t let myself read other people’s blogs until I have done my own. I don’t want to stop being part of this group and therefore I have to keep at it.
There is also the added bonus of the fact that all this time (before Juneathon) I was blogging away, plotting my track towards fitness and very few people were actually reading it! I’m not a self publicist and really was blogging to encourage myself but readers has made a big difference. I’m starting to think about what I say before it falls out of the my fingertips! This may not be a good thing!
So that’s the reward part of the title covered.
Reduce is my looking to reduce the amount of time I spend planning and thinking about exercising and increase the amount of time I spend doing the exercise.  Sounds simple eh? 🙂 As I saw someone else blog the other day, apparently there is a common phenomenon among Juneathoners (hehehe say that aloud!) to eventually try to crowbar exercise into their normal daily activities. I don’t exactly live a hectic life but I seem to have fallen foul of this already. Well, I bought the socially acceptable running tights anyway! Now just got to use them to run in public – eeeek!
Today was intentionally a light exercise days. So far I have walked to the post office and taken the dog to the park – about 1.5 miles and completed the initial test and week one day one of the 100 push ups programme. Oh. My. God! Now I was merrily doing this programme before until I looked for a link and found that I had skipped a stage! The initial test grades where you are now and then puts you into the right level. I just presumed that I was in the “Lightweight” group and got on with it. My upper body strength and core strength are appalling so I was also doing them on my knees. As I was starting afresh I decided to do them properly on my toes and do the initial test. Now I’m not a great one for reading instructions and doing as I’m told so I got 50% of the way there – I read the instructions and then ignored them telling me to rest a couple of days between thee initial test and starting the programme (impatient? Moi?) I managed 11 good form push ups on my toes and this put me in level 3 (most people are in 2 or 3). So I started the app on my phone and the corresponding level was heavy weight!!!! Eeeeek! This should have been encouraging but I’m having a meep day so just intimidated me a bit! Stoopid woman!
Anyway, the programme in total was 45 push ups and it really was challenging! Far more than on my knees lightweight setting!! What a surprise! So in total I did 56 good form push ups. This also seemed to really work my abs keeping my core stable so I’m missing off the abs programme today and my back is still twinging.
I’m planning to do the 20 minute yoga workout before bed tonight to stretch myself out in anticipation of working hard at bootcamp tomorrow. It’s going to be nice and muddy as it’s been pouring down today. Is it wrong that I like the muddy ones best? The damp play havoc with my asthma and the slippy grass makes turning on the short runs tricky but I like the getting mucky…and it’s far cooler than the sunny sessions!
So pretty good outputs today for a light day!
Breakfast: coffee and *ahem* more coffee. Craptastic I know but we had nothing in and I went for lunch shortly after I got up!
Lunch: Stir fried beef, pak choi and ginger with boiled rice and a mango juice
Dinner: Quorn vegetables and rice currently under construction by my OH in the kitchen.
Need to up my fluid intake today as it’s currently rubbish – does a large G+T count? Nah, I didn’t think so 🙂
See you tomorrow.

Weekly Workout Plan #2

My workout plan isn’t working! It’s far too ambitious and I’m not hitting my targets which is making me feel bad! So here’s a new one based on the following logic.

  • I want to improve my running and focus more on it so need to follow a plan (like the couch to 5k ones)
  • I want to get the bootcamp voucher used up and not keep over training so I’m too tired for bootcamp or anything else!
  • EA Sports isn’t going anywhere and I can use it to replace the bootcamp sessions when the voucher runs out.
  • My back is killing me – need to slooooow down.
  • I’m shattered! Need to be more realistic!
So here goes:
  • Run following 5k programme
  • Run following 5k programme



  • Run following 5k programme
Following this means that my last bootcamp session from the voucher will be on the 30th June and I should be on Week 4 Day 2 of the 5k running programme (on 1st July) and running 5 minute intervals. Since I can only run for 1 – 1.5 minutes at a time at the moment, that’s good progress. Let’s hope my lungs can keep up!
I’ve also been sleeping dreadfully and it’s really affecting my motivation and mood. Last night I couldn’t sleep until nearly 5am. I’m going to concentrate more on getting better sleep again. Helpfully enough I’m also running out of my normal antihistamines (which aren’t really working) but have loads of the sleepy stronger ones. So combining my need for sleep and a decent antihistamine may just work! Just gotta remember to take them at bedtime!
Juneathon blog later for bootcamp session 5.

Wii and watering

Short blog today because I’m shattered and need to open a cold can of pear cider and space out in front of the goggle box.

Started the day with a 25 minute Wii workout on low intensity which stretched my achy muscles out nicely. I paused the workout before the cool down stretches and did the 5 minute abs programme on my phone and the Week 1, Day 3 of the 100 hundred push ups programme. I’m not sure how well I’m getting on with the push ups programme as I find the pauses far too long. It’s not so much recovery time as “Shall I pop off and unload the dishwasher” time. Today’s gaps were 120 seconds long! I waited the first gap and then when I got to the second one I did all the rest of them in one set. I know it’s not the way the programme is meant to work but life’s too short! Will try to resist going up a level and finding myself unable to do it. Abs workout, quite challenging today.

Lots of running around in the heat trying to do various mundane chores but no actual running (with trainers on and no list in hand).

Finished off the day with 1.5 hours on the allotment, picking dinner and watering which counts as a serious weight workout as that big metal watering can weighs a ton when it’s full. Must weigh it at some point!

Breakfast today: two slices of ham chopped up and scrambled in with 3 eggs. High protein to help my achy muscles. Apple for breakfast pudding!

Lunch: Can’t remember! I think it may have been grazing on the run doing chores – 9 bar (seeds and carob-Nom!) and some corn chips.

Dinner: Salad starter (allotment lettuce and thoroughly washed cucumber and tomatoes from the shop!) followed by chicken breast (cut into strips and baked for 25 mins in loads of lemon juice) with leftover tagine.

Pudding is about to be a nice cold pear cider – more fruit!


Low point of today – Can’t think of one! Good eh!

High point of today – Lovely sunny weather and seeing teeny Longtailed Tits flittering around the Lilac tree on the allotment.

Juneathon begins!

I did it! I started!

I tried the Nike+ app again today and found it incredibly annoying.  I AGAIN managed to accidentally pause it and so to try and get a record of a 1 mile run, I ran the equivalent extra (round the treeline instead of straight through!) and then when I put it back into my Spibelt, I must have missed the teeny tiny lock button on the screen so it was doing lord knows what when I got it out again. I only got it out because I knew that I had passed the mile mark yet had heard no signal of it.

So, now I’m looking for a new iPhone 3G compatible free app that is reliable. Hell at this stage I’d even pay for one! Any suggestions? Recommendations?

I also ran along to Audiofuel’s free downloads track Thru the Gears it was really good and really helped me keep pace so I could concentrate more on foot placement and position (correcting my feet pronation as I run). I couldn’t keep up though as it goes from 155bpm to 160 bpm (managed 1.5 minutes of this and had to walk!) and then up to 170 bpm. I gave the 170 bpm a go but frankly it slayed me! I’m happy to see though that there are some more free downloads – two of them more at my pace! Unfortunately the jog sample is only 2 minutes 57 seconds which is a shame as I really enjoyed Thru the Gears and the snippet I’ve listened to of the jog sample sounds good. There seems to be a good selection of mixes on Audiofuel and I love the way they are put together…just a shame that there isn’t an absolute beginners mix for folk like me! My wish list would be a combination of intervals and pyramid but at a basic level – Warm up and stretch, 1 minute of walking (beginning of Thru the gears was a good pace), 1.5 minute jogging (155bpm was spot on), 45 seconds walking, 1.5 minutes jogging (155bpm) etc building up to maybe 160-165 bpm 1 minute run and then back down the way we came! Ideally I’d like a 13-15 minute version for 1 mile runs and then increasing in time for 2 mile runs. By the time I can run further than that, I could use one of the other mixes. On the off chance anyone form Audiofuel reads this…I’d happily trial and review it if you make one!

So, back to the run. I managed 1.1 miles in 16 minutes (I think!) with 3 walks when I couldn’t breathe anymore! Audiofuel helped me run faster than I usually do but as a consequence, it was a version of sprint/walk/sprint rather than jog/walk/jog! I stretched properly before getting in the car and my legs felt pretty good – not as achy as when I woke up! My lungs weren’t so happy though. It was hot and the pollen count is high. I tried not to use my inhaler…but gave in when I got home as my old breathing tubes were closing. Feel good about the run. Not as exhausted as I was last time I ran and determined to pace myself so I can get the most out of Juneathon and increase my stamina and lung capacity slowly.

I’m going to give the push ups programme a miss today as the workouts on the last two days were fairly upper body heavy and I need a recovery day. Tomorrow is EA Sports workout day and Bootcamp so I need to pace myself.

Breakfast today (in bed thanks to a moment of lovliness from the OH) was brown gluten free roll with banana and honey, actimel thingy and coffee.

Lunch after my run was brown gluten free roll with home grown lettuce, home grown and made beetroot, carrot and orange (not home grown!) chutney and ham, followed by a red grapefruit. All very tasty indeed!

Snacks today are miso soup and crispy seaweed and fruit.

Low point of today: The searing pain in my foot as I turned away from the postman while carrying a sack of cat food! White light pain!

High point of today: Starting Juneathon and feeling stronger. Looking forward to seeing the difference by the end of June.

Weather, willingness and misbehaving gadgets.

Well yesterday was a bit of a washout! The wind was howling and the rain kept lashing down. Not the ideal weather for an Outdoor Bootcamp! The mind was unwilling but the body was up for doing something inside! So I compromised and gave the bootcamp a miss. Instead I tried out two new apps I’ve just got.

First I did the 100 pushups programme. Day one is basically 12 pushups but split into sections with set rest times. The rest times seemed a little long to me but I’m sure my attitude will change further into the programme! Since it was only 12 I concentrated on perfect form. It seems to have worked as today my shoulders feel like they did some good work! EDIT: I’ve not read the website while I went looking for a linky link. I should have done more than I did! Apparently the last set I should have done as many as I could (not 3!) I think I have an older (free) version of the app. Ah well, I’ll read the rest before I do this app again!

Next I did the Ab Workout app. It’s only 5 minutes. Ten different exercises and only 30 seconds each (you can choose from 30,45 or 60 second sets). 5 minutes. Can’t be that hard, right? Actually quite a lot more challenging than I anticipated. My abs are dreadful and so I actually found this really good. It involves no thinking as you just follow the moves on the screen until you get told to change to the next move. No rest stops. I certainly felt like I’d worked all aspects of my abs and went to bed later on with what felt like period pain from the exercises! Fantastic! Today they feel fine and so I’m going to give them another go later.

So, last night I had a bath a decided to have a quick listen to a Glenn Harrold’s Relax and Sleep hypnosis app. Now I really just wanted to see what sort of stuff he said as I find his accept quite off putting. “Think Lock Stock and Two Smoking Relaxation Tapes” and you’r mostly there. Anyway, I gave it a listen and actually had to haul myself out of the bath to stop myself falling asleep in there! I felt really relaxed all through dinner and for the rest of the evening. So at bedtime I thought I’d try the app again. This time though, my brain just wouldn’t switch off and I kept drifting into thoughts of things that I know will stress me out and stop me sleeping. I stuck with it though and was disappointed when he said “feel yourself drifting into a deep sleep, a deeep sleeeeep (etc etc)” followed by “but this is not the sleep of bedtime” Pardon? What is this app called? Shortly afterwards he began the process of waking me up to be rested and refreshed. I didn;t want to be refreshed, I wanted to be sparko. So I stopped the recording and moved onto a 10 minuted timed-to-fade-out ocean waves app. This helped and I drifted off.

Overall, even though I went to bed later than I meant to, a good nights sleep and I’m sleeping more deeply (which means my neck is really stiff in the morning! Time to change pillows) and I woke up before the alarm too. I;m seeing this as a positive thing even though it was my son clattering around that did it rather than uber tuned in bio-rhythms! I did get up after only one snooze too!

On the menu today we have:

  • 100 push ups programmefollowed it properly today and did 24 (the last set says do 4 or as many as you can and I managed 12 before feeling like I was going to fall on my face. Quite pleased with this.
  • Ab Workoutcompleted a full 5 minute workout but only managed about 15 seconds of plank (20 shaky seconds yesterday). Definitely leave it for a day now! Abs didn’t hurt before I started but as soon as I started they screamed at me! Loving this workout but it’s certainly only one for every other day! Only thing I’m noticing is that the top of my abs by my diaphragm hurt lots but I didn’t feel any work going on around my lower abs near my scar. This is the bit that needs the most work. Hmmm, will have to find something to work that area.
  • EA Sports Active Personal Trainer
  • 2 mile dog walk or run – completed approximately 2.5 – 3 miles. Gps not working so had to estimate based on previously logged workouts
  • Drink 1 litre extra water – only 330ml so far so I’d better get slurping!
So today is mostly on track so far. I’d like to either do my Wii workout or go to the allotment and work there instead. Will update later when I’ve assessed the weather a little more closely!

UPDATE: well I went and did 2.5 hours on the allotment and threw in some lunges while I was weeding. Then I get home and check in here to see if I’ve missed any targets and what do I notice? That I don’t have to do the Wii workout until Monday. Whoohoo because I’m shattered now!

Just need to finish my water bottle while I chill before bed and I’ve hit all of today’s targets, which is pretty groovy. Glad tomorrow is mostly a rest day except for bootcamp (which entirely depends on the weather and how achy I am tomorrow!)

Weekly Workout Plan #1

In order to achieve my goals I am going to try to stick to a weekly workout plan. If I can stick to it for the next week then I will consider joining Juneathon. I know that my distances will be teeny in comparison to everyone else but it’s the taking part and trying that counts, right?

So first draft of weekly workout is:








Now I think that this is a pretty ambitious plan but achievable. I’m aiming to start eveything except the EA Sports Active tomorrow. I’ll add that on Monday, so I’m easing myself in gently!
EDIT: Have added the Ab Workout and reduced the amount of  100 push ups programme as apparently I’m only supposed to do it three days a week with a day in between.