Archive for June 22nd, 2011

Reluctant Yoga

Still feeling quite broken today. Back very sore, guts tender and killer lethargy. Managed to get off the sofa long enough to scrub the kitchen. Felt like shit but did a good job. It all started because I opened the fridge and noticed that there was no food but loads of grot. How do fridges get so dirty when we only put clean food in them?

Anyway, kitchen is clean, food is full of food again thanks to the nicest Tesco man ever who carried it all in for me and made me laugh lots at the same time.

Dinner was a bizarre invention that, at the polite request of my OH and teenagers faces, will not be made again! I made a kind of rosti/latka/hash brown with grated carrot, brambly apple and ginger mixed with some mashed leftover baked sweet potato with a spot of salt and pepper, sage and a couple of eggs for luck. First one in the pan was too sloppy so I added a bit of flour to bind it.

Personally I really liked it…which is good because there’s three more in the fridge! They may improve with longer cooking. Let’s hope so because I’m planning to eat them for breakfast with some eggs on top. Most things are improved by putting a poached egg on top!

After dinner I had a very lovely hour long soak in the bath with a good book which helped my back and improved my mood.

My OH was settling down to watch a film but was nice enough to join me in a 20 minute yoga workout.  We both felt better for it and despite our various aches, pains and broken bits, made it through.

This made me think about Juneathon and what it means to me. I’ve really enjoyed taking part in Juneathon and I’ve been a mixture of cross, disappointed and frustrated in the last few days of being broken. I feel like I’m copping out. Now, I know that I’m not copping out really and everyone’s been really supportive so this isn’t a whinge, more an observation.

I am naturally very lazy and find pushing myself a challenge sometimes but Juneathon has given me a great incentive. It has also taught me that if I can push myself for Juneathon, then I can push myself for me! I suppose that Juneathon means something different to everyone and everyone is approaching it in different ways. To me it means pushing myself to do something that I normally wouldn’t do or would back out of or find an excuse not to do – no matter how small. It’s the pushing myself that’s counted.

I know that I’m not as fit as other folk doing Juneathon and my entire run is what a lot of people would do as their warm up but I’m happy that I’m doing what I can and pushing myself at a pace that I can maintain. (Hehehe I just typoed that as paintain, which may be more accurate!)

I’m going to try to go to boot camp tomorrow and leave out the exercises that I know will hurt my back. I need the boost to my system. Following Ian’s injury I’ll be wearing my special teflon knickers though 🙂

Damn new wordpress interface won’t let me link to Ian’s blog nice and tidily, so here it is: