Archive for June 23rd, 2011

Standing tree and wilting plants

Still feeling rather wilted today, a bit like the seedlings I re-potted today. Managed to re-pot the squash, plant more beans, peas, sugar snaps and courgettes to fill the gaps and re-potted the greek basil and thyme. It was bizarre weather and seemed to cycle through most of the seasons except winter today.

Decided not to go to boot camp tonight as feeling pretty ropey still. A little bit of re-potting nearly sent me back to bed! Silly state of affairs.

Instead of boot camp I made banana cake to save the old nanas from the compost heap. Banana cake for breakfast is yummy. I also invented a new dinner as my OH is too poorly to cook (it’s right good fun in this house at the moment!). It’s loosely based on something bland and tasteless that we had at Ikea many years ago…I always thought it could taste better!

Swedish salmon hash:

roast small cubes of potato and carrot in a smidge of oil for 45 mins on gas mark 9

Chop similar sized cubes of peppers, salmon, celery and courgette and toss in a tiny bit of olive oil, orange juice and dried parsley.

Add the veg and fish to the cooked potatoes and carrots and stir it all up.

Put back in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Eat hot whilst teenager whinges that he doesn’t like salmon any more. Relax and feel full and content while teenager slowly eats cold meal with sullen face on.

When I make it next time I’ll add more salt and less teenager.

While the dinner was cooking I did a 40 minute yoga workout. Mostly enjoyed it but it was a little too repetitive (too many repeats of the sun salutation – surely 3-4 between every exercise is too many!?!).

It occurred to me that my back pain may be related to my new orthotics (doh!) will have to monitor it a little more closely. Might leave them out for the weekend and then see if I can do bootcamp on Monday.

Good news! Just booked in a full body massage for June 30th (whoohoo!) and was asked to be a client for the students final exam. Double whoohoo! Now I get another massage 2 days later. It’s completely Juneathon’s fault that my first reaction wasn;t “Oh lovely I get to relax even more” oh no, my first reaction was – “Excellent I can go for a nice big killer run on Friday and then have them massage all the bad out of my legs on Saturday”.

Damn you Juneathon – that run will be in July! Ach well, start a I mean to go on!